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🍅 Simple Bruschetta Lunch w/ Leftovers

OK, so here we are in the UK on day seven of quarantine. We made it a week and there has not been a homicide in the Hodges household - result! 😂 Admittedly, like most of us, I am finding things a bit boring (and scary) right now. I am rationing Netflix's Ozark Season 3, staying away from inflamatory news reports, watching as much travel and cooking shows as possible, really reading all of my cookbooks (currently infatuated with Rick Stein's French Odessey) and of course doing some recipe testing.

Because I'm trying to go to the shops as little as possible, I've become obsessed with using all the ingredients I have wisely and not wasting anything, which I should have been doing before. This morning I woke up to a fridge containing a small amount of leftover mascarpone cheese. I also had two slices of sour dough bread in the freezer, a few grape tomatoes, garlic and a basil plant lurking in the kitchen. So, I made a really, nice simple bruschetta that was super delcious and boasted the beautiful colours of the Italian flag. 🇼đŸ‡č



1/4 cup mascarpone cheese (about)

1 slice of sour dough bread

1 tablespoon basil leaves, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon olive oil

Small handful ripe grape tomatoes

Garlic clove




This is so easy and makes for a brilliant light lunch bite or a quick snack. And its just pretty.

First, cut the tomatoes in half and sprinkle a generous portion of salt on top. Leave to sit for about 30 minutes as the salt will help bring out the moisture from the tomatoes, creating a flavourful juice.

Next, slice the basil into thin strips, add to the tomato mixture, drizzle the olive oil over and give it a good mix.

Then, simply toast the bread and when it's still piping hot, rub one side with the garlic. Immediatley spread the mascarpone over the bread and dollup the tomato mixture on top.

That's it! Super simple. I used up all of the small bits of ingredients I had in the kitchen and enjoyed an amazingly tasty light lunch.

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